
  • 和水的外国诗句已关闭评论
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The sea is a sapphire set in the sky,
Its waves like emeralds rolling by;
A million diamonds winking bright,
A million sapphires glinting light.

The ocean is a deep blue gem,
Its depths a thousand secrets keep;
A million pearls shining so pure,
A million coral reefs to explore.

The sea is a shimmering piece of art,
Its horizon a never-ending start;
A million stars twinkling in its night,
A million seabirds soaring in flight.

The ocean is a timeless masterpiece,
Its currents a mysterious grace;
A million secrets yet untold,
A million mysteries yet to unfold.

The sea is a source of endless awe,
A playground for creatures great and small;
A million fish swimming in its depths,
A million shells hiding on its steps.

The ocean is a wonder of the world,
Its depths a realm of mysteries unfurled;
A million dreams come true upon its shores,
A million secrets never to be explored.