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英国诗人拉尔夫·赫斯特(Ralph Hodgson)的诗句“The Whale”,描绘了鲸鱼的壮阔:

“He moves in majesty, majestic, still,
Through the deep, unmeasured sea,
His form majestic, rising o'er the swell,
Makes the waters dance with glee.”

美国诗人约翰·妮可·拜因(John Neihardt)的诗句“The Whale”,描绘了鲸鱼的可爱:

“Oh, the whale is a gentle giant
In the waters of the sea.
Gently he swims, his fins a-glinting,
As he sails so silently.”

英国诗人约翰·麦克马斯特(John Masefield)的诗句“The Great Beast”,展现了鲸鱼的强大:

“The great beast roars, the great beast comes,
His eyes are red, his teeth are white,
His breath is like the blast of flames,
And his voice like thunder in the night.”

美国诗人詹姆斯·狄更斯(James Dickey)的诗句“The Whale”,描绘了鲸鱼的可怕:

“The whale is a beast of terror,
Dark and deep and strong;
His eyes burn like coals of fire,
His jaws are deep and long.”

美国诗人斯蒂芬·尼尔森(Stephen Neilson)的诗句“The Whale”,描绘了鲸鱼的奇妙:

“The whale is a wondrous creature,
One of a kind in the sea;
He moves with grace and majesty,
His power is hard to see.”

美国诗人威廉·斯特拉特(William Stratton)的诗句“The Whale”,表达了人们对鲸鱼的尊敬:

“The whale, a beast of grandeur,
Respect him we must do;
So vast, so mighty, so powerful,
He's God's own creation too.”